Inside Scoop connects customers to Local Colorado restaurants through our online business directory. Here is where your going to get the best discounted price for food and drinks. In most cases we have made special arrangements with Golden businesses to give special discounts because we save you and the business travel time and promote local area business growth.
Participating companies will put a Scoopon Discount Coupon logo near their business with special pricing offers. You'll be able to use these Scoopons by showing the Scoopon to the place of business via phone or printed copy.
Wellness refers to the healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being. Usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain, and to have a complete physical, mental, and social well-being.
In this section you will find business and people specializing in wellness to help you achieve that feeling of well-being. Pilates instructors help you target your body’s core, strengthening your abs, and lower back. Ancient practices such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Yoga improve flexibility and balance. They use breath, mind, and body to restore energy. Reduce stress, and calm an agitated mind with the calming hands of a Massage Therapist.
There are many qualified specialists, instructors and trainers that would love to help you achieve that overall feeling of well-being.